Avanti Chemical & Injectable Grouts are mainly used as a “finger in the dike” to stop active water leaks. These Avanti Grouts are available in a variety of different viscosities and phases: granular, liquid, foam and gel. These grouts are used primarily in water containment applications such as: sewer, manhole, reservoir, dams, and wastewater treatment facilities. Some products have NSF International approval. Please check with your Atlas Supply product specialist for other products, equipment and accessories required for use with this product group.
Hydrophilic Foams | AV-202 Multigrout® AV-315 Microfoam™ AV-333 Injectaflex AvantiGrout Product Guide – Hydrophilic Foams & Hydrophobic Foams |
Hydrophilic Gels | AV-350 Multigel |
Hydrophobic Foams | AV-248 Flexseal AV-275 Soilgrout AV-290 Fast-Set AvantiGrout Product Guide – Resin Injectors |
*Chart NOT representative of ALL product offerings. Please call if you do not see what you are looking to find, (800) 347-5767.